
The Ultimate Art of Achieving a Perfect Work-Life Balance

It is an inevitable fact that work plays a significant part in our lives. No matter whichever corner of the world you live in, your earnings ensure that there’s always sufficient food on the table, your mortgage gets paid on time, and your pockets remain full for the rainy days.


However, at the same time when enjoying a stable work-life has proven to be great for our professional grooming, it can also turn out to be disastrous for our mental health if it excessively intervenes with our personal life.


We all know how achieving a healthy work-life balance has become extremely difficult in today’s tech-savvy era. As the world is becoming more connected through various social media apps and multiple communication tools, it seems almost impossible to separate our work affairs from personal lives.

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For example, we all can relate to some unhealthy practices like checking emails after office hours, attending business calls at the dinner table or even responding to clients’ queries and feedback on the weekends. This extreme amalgamation of IT revolution and technology has made work-life balance look like a far-fetched dream. Now, the real question arises, “how has this work obsession become acceptable, and is there anything we can do about it?”


Although the concept of an ‘ideal’ work-life balance seems different for everyone, health and career experts believe that the common factors remain the same for all. Here are the top six ways to help you enjoy a healthy work-life balance:

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Declutter to Balance

Let’s face it, nobody likes to walk in their office on Monday mornings when a huge documentation pile or email print-outs are waiting for them to be sorted out. It not only brings excessive stress to our minds but also diverts our time and energy into useless things.

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According to researchers, one of the most important strategies to improve work-life balance is to ‘declutter’ your stuff. You need to organize and sort out each and everything that brings extra tension to your life. From the pile of clothes in your laundry basket to the heaps of unread emails lying in your inbox, everything needs to be sorted out to enjoy a healthy work-life balance.

The key here is to stop panicking; you need to take one step at a time and slowly organize everything that seems messed up into your life. Following a regular routine of decluttering will not only upgrade the quality of your life but also bring you lots of serenity, peace, and happiness. There would be no more chaos to make you stressed out or overthink. This positive regimen will save your time and energy and gradually, your mind will become free from work stress at home and vice versa.

Practice a Healthy Lifestyle

Practicing a healthy lifestyle plays a vital role in every employee’s quest to maintain a perfect work-life balance. For every organization, happy and healthy employees are just like the jewels on the crown. Whereas companies do not appreciate employees who do not prioritize their mental or physical health, as an unhealthy work-life balance always leads towards poor quality of work – it declines their productivity to a great extent. This is the sole reason is why encouraging employees to practice a healthy lifestyle eliminates the risks of developing various diseases.

A healthy lifestyle is one of the most effective strategies to stress management as it helps the employees cope with their anxiety smoothly. Practicing a healthy routine is all about maintaining a healthy diet, indulging in yoga and meditation, and following a regular self-care routine. This will ensure that you are utilizing your time to your benefit and striking the right balance between your personal and professional life.

Listen to Positive Podcasts

In the current turbulent times, there’s nothing like listening to a positive podcast when it comes to releasing stress from our minds. According to researchers, motivational podcasts can boost the serotonin levels in our body, as it stimulates multiple parts of the human brain. Its soothing effect helps us get rid of stress and anxiety that keep us from achieving everyday work goals.


For instance, on a hectic workday, you can always tune into a podcast that has motivational words or relaxing sounds of nature, music, or even sea breezes. In addition to reducing your stress levels, positive podcasts can also help to enhance your creativity and productivity at work, even on your busiest days.


However, the key here is to choose an internet connection that does not take extra time to load the podcast, as it might spoil the fun! You need to opt for high-speed internet service providers like Hargray Internet to enjoy stable internet signals while you listen to the podcast. Besides their extraordinary internet speed that reaches up to 1,000 Mbps, they also provide incredibly affordable packages starting from $55.00 per month only. Now you can easily tune into your favorite podcast at absolutely any time of the day, and that too without lag-time!


Implement ‘No WFH Policy’ After Office Hours

Undoubtedly, we are all familiar with the feeling of carrying our work home to make up for the missed deadlines or to review the upcoming week’s tasks over the weekend. It has become a common practice for us to bring heaps of work home and over-indulge in office activities even after working hours. This 24/7 work obsession has not only declined our mental health and freedom but also stolen away our precious family moments.

Moreover, it surely hinders the amount of rest required after long hours of office-time every day. As a result, we become stressed out and our personal life starts to suffer.

For example, we are not able to spend quality time with our family members, maintain a stable social life, take care of our health, or indulge in any sort of self-care routine. Gradually, this unorganized life structure leads to several mental and emotional health issues. By the end of the day, we feel emotionally exhausted and drained out to pursue any of our passions.

Due to this severely damaging effect of work-life imbalance, you need to ensure that you are not entertaining any work requests after office hours, or bringing any work home, even on off days. You need to strike the right balance between your personal and professional life in order to remain happy and content in the long run.

Plan your Day Carefully

For most of us, a typical weekday is all about attending back-to-back meetings, responding to emails, making up for assignment deadlines, attending yoga class, and doing house chores, etc. Although these tasks seem to be pretty easy, still, sometimes a busy day can get on our nerves, especially if we haven’t planned our day in advance.

One of the most effective ways to enjoy a smooth professional and personal life is to prioritize your tasks as per their importance. Following a well-laid plan will always help you save a lot of energy, time, and effort and significantly reduce your stress levels. For example, you can always make a proper daily/weekly schedule in your diary or cellphone so that you remember what tasks need to be done on a priority basis. This will help you become more organized with your work and not fret about getting things done on time.

Get Rid of Your ‘Perfection’ Mindset – Take it Easy

At least once in our lives, we all have tried those crazy crash diets that we could not stick to for more than a week, adopted a new year’s resolution that we forgot after February, and set an extraordinarily high score target for the exams that we just could not achieve. Every time we chose to become ‘perfect’ at something, we failed. But, why?

Well, constant perfection is nothing but an illusion – the ideal option is to strive for excellence, instead of perfection. It is overrated to pressurize yourself to give your best at every little thing you do. According to Puder-York, “As life gets more expanded it’s very hard, both neurologically and psychologically, to keep that habit of perfection going.”  People who constantly try to achieve perfection often end up failing or becoming obsessive about their work, as they are hardly ever satisfied with their results. It eventually becomes one of the biggest obstacles to their work-life balance.

Life is a long journey. At every step, you need to remember that your journey is going to be full of uncertainties, unexpected U-turns, and twists. However, the key to a happy life is to never let your traumas get on your mind. You need to embrace every hardship, keep your head high while you move forward and you will surely find your way out. The real charm lies in putting your focus on the right place and being present-minded at all times.

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Finally, always leave your personal life emotional baggage at home when you leave for work, and vice versa. This will ensure that you give your best in all areas of life and continue being the ultimate work champ that you are!

“Don’t confuse having a career with having a life.”

   -Hilary Clinton

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