
Scalp Eczema vs. Psoriasis

Nowadays, an itchy and flaky scalp is a common problem for people. But, before treating them, it is vital to identify which problem you are facing.

Scalp Eczema – It is a skin condition that can cause rough, scaly skin on the scalp and face. Its noticeable sign is dandruff and itchiness.

Psoriasis – It is a skin disease that can cause cells to grow quickly that accumulate on the surface of the skin.

What Are the Symptoms of Scalp Eczema?

Scalp eczema is a skin condition. Its main symptom is the itchiness that comes with burning pain in some cases. At the same time, victims will notice red and scaly signs on their scalp as well as other parts of the body too.

On the other hand, your scalp will be flaky due to this condition. It is greasy or waxy and has to ooze or had weeping lesions. It can cause discharge from the ear if eczema continues from the scalp into the ear canal.

What Are the Symptoms of Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is also a skin condition. It looks like patches of thick and red skin with silvery scales. The worst case is the patches can appear anywhere on a victim’s body. But, in most cases, people notice that it especially appears on the elbows and knees. This skin condition is quite similar to scalp eczema, and it can appear on the scalp too. At the same time, it is itchy and tender to the touch.

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Differences between Scalp Eczema and Psoriasis

Scalp eczema and psoriasis are quite similar skin conditions, and both share some common symptoms like:

  • Red patches of skin.
  • Itchiness.
  • Flakes that may attach to the hair shaft.Touch here

Now, you see these two skin disease shows quite the same symptoms. So, would you tell the difference? Ok! The main difference is on the scales. That is because psoriasis on the scalp produces thick and silvery scales. But, the scalp eczema or, should I say, seborrheic dermatitis is thinner. Moreover, they are more likely to be white or yellow, which has a greasy appearance. Visit here

If you have psoriasis, it will have them on the other parts of your body too. Don’t try to scratch or remove them because those will start bleeding. On the other hand, scalp eczema patches are usually easy to remove.

How to Treat Scalp Eczema?

Scalp eczema has no cure. But, with proper solutions and treatment, you can reduce the pain and itchiness. Most of the expert and doctors recommend shampoos that contain natural oils and other natural stuff. But, make sure to avoid those products which have harsh chemicals like alcohols. Moreover, eat healthy foods and don’t take stress at all.

How to Treat Psoriasis?

It may be harder to treat. However, corticosteroids may help reduce inflammation and also will slow the growth of the skin cells. Light therapy can do the job and treat psoriasis. On the other hand, systemic treatment can be beneficial for this skin condition too. Get more information

Final Words

Scalp eczema and psoriasis are controllable skin diseases. Those are hard to treat, but it’s not impossible. Go for the natural and homemade remedies first. If those don’t work and the situation is worst, then visit a doctor.

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Jason is a passionate content creator and the driving force behind With a keen eye for trends and a love for connecting with readers, Jason delivers fresh, engaging content to inspire and inform the community.

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