
Keto diet: what it is, how it is healthy and how to get started


The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carbohydrate diet that’s been shown to have many health benefits. It has also been popularized by folks like Dr. Robert Atkins, who believed it helped people lose weight and prolong their life spans. But there are some misconceptions about this diet—namely that it’s too hard to stick with for weeks or months on end. Well, let me tell you: Keto isn’t nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be! In fact, in my experience so far with the keto lifestyle (which includes a few weeks of success followed by some pretty rough patches), I’ve found that it’s actually quite easy to stick with while still enjoying tasty food! Here’s why:

This one-week keto meal plan is perfect for beginners.

This one-week keto meal plan is perfect for beginners. It’s easy to follow, contains a variety of meals and snacks, and will help you learn what works for you before moving on to other plans.

Try Keto for one week just to see how it works for you.

If you are trying to lose weight, then a ketogenic diet may be the answer.

If you’re considering going on a keto diet but don’t know where to start, here’s what you need to know:

  • It’s not for everyone. Some people will find that it makes them feel worse than before and others may feel better after starting the diet. Your chances of success depend on how well-prepared your body is for this new lifestyle change (this means eating fewer carbohydrates), as well as how much support from loved ones or doctors who understand why this type of eating plan works so well for many people at certain times in their lives (for example: when they’re pregnant). So if going low carb feels overwhelming right now—or if anyone in your life has tried unsuccessfully before—it’s best not take another chance with yourself just yet!

keto diet health benefits.

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, moderate-protein and low-carbohydrate diet that forces your body to use fat for fuel instead of glucose. Keto Matters has great recipes. This has many health benefits, including weight loss and improved cognitive function.

Fight Cancer

The keto diet is a great tool to fight cancer. It’s not a cure, but it can help with treatment and recovery from an illness.

The keto diet has been shown to reduce the risk of developing cancer by up to 40%, and it can also help with some types of cancers like breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer and brain tumors. This means that if you have one of these diseases or are at high risk for them then following the ketogenic diet could save your life!

However there are some things that you should be aware of before jumping on board with this crazy new way of eating:

Well known cancer researcher Thomas Seyfried, Ph.D., believes the Mitochondrial Metabolic Theory of Cancer is a more accurate explanation to how cancer starts and grows.

The Mitochondrial Metabolic Theory of Cancer (MMT) is a more accurate explanation to how cancer starts and grows. This theory states that cancer cells are damaged because they are unable to control their own growth. The fundamental problem with cancer is that it’s a disorder of energy metabolism in the cell.

When you eat keto, your body starts using fat for fuel instead of glucose, which provides more energy than sugar does but also causes acidosis when too much sugar gets into the bloodstream over time

He explains that cancer is not an issue with one gene or even one pathway, but rather an inherited metabolic disorder in which all cell types are at risk for becoming malignant (Cancer as a Metabolic Disease, 2012).

When a cell is damaged, it can no longer function properly. The result is that the cell becomes cancerous and begins to grow uncontrollably. This uncontrolled growth often leads to the death of the host tissue and may spread beyond where it started in the body (Cancer as a Metabolic Disease, 2012).

The root cause of most cancers is an inherited metabolic disorder called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance occurs when we consume more calories than our bodies use up because they’re not converted into energy efficiently enough by our cells (Insulin Resistance: A Complex Disorder). The result is high levels of glucose circulating throughout our bloodstreams which causes inflammation throughout our bodies; this inflammation interferes with normal cell metabolism causing them become inflamed themselves!

When cells shift from aerobic respiration to fermentation and become unable to use oxygen to create energy,

When cells shift from aerobic respiration to fermentation and become unable to use oxygen to create energy, they can no longer control growth and become damaged.

The body uses glucose to create energy. It can also use fatty acids and ketones to create energy. If the body can’t use oxygen to create energy, it will use glucose instead of fatty acids or ketones.

Cancer cells are damaged because they are unable to control their own growth.

Cancer is a metabolic disease. Cancer cells are damaged because they are unable to control their own growth. Scientists have found that the ketogenic diet can help reverse this process, making it an effective treatment for people who are trying to beat cancer by controlling what foods they eat and when they eat them.

In the past, doctors believed that cancer was caused by free radicals in our bodies or bad bacteria in our intestines, but recent research shows that these factors play almost no role in causing cancer at all! Instead, most research suggests that changes within our DNA (genes) cause many different types of cancers—including breast and colon cancers as well as pancreatic adenocarcinoma (cancerous tumors). Keto Matters is an awesome resource.

The fundamental problem with cancer is that it’s a disorder of energy metabolism in the cell.

The fundamental problem with cancer is that it’s a disorder of energy metabolism in the cell. Cancer cells damage themselves because they are unable to control their own growth and therefore become unable to use oxygen to create energy.

In order for a cell to grow, it must first undergo aerobic respiration–the process in which glucose is converted into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which can then be used by other parts of the body—and then enter fermentation, where organisms use sugar as an alternative source of energy instead of glucose. When this occurs within an individual, they will experience symptoms such as hair loss due to a lack of nutrients needed for proper functioning; fatigue due to lack of usable fuel; weight loss due to low calorie intake but high fat content; weakness due largely if not entirely due simply being unable (or unwilling)

Research shows that by using a keto diet to turn off the on/off switch for glucose and instead utilize fatty acids and ketones for energy decreases blood glucose, lowers insulin levels and decreases inflammation within the body.

The following symptoms can be improved by using this diet:

  • Weight loss
  • Lowering cholesterol levels
  • Lowering triglycerides (fat in your blood)

In addition to weight loss, keto helps you avoid metabolic syndrome by decreasing inflammatory markers such as C-Reactive Protein and improving insulin resistance (Monnelly K et al 2016).

Ketosis is also beneficial for people with diabetes because it lowers glucose levels in the blood. This can help manage diabetes symptoms such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides.

Get more info at

Keto Matters is a website that has been created to help you get more information about the ketogenic diet, including how it works and what results you can expect from following it. You can find recipes on the site as well as blogs about other aspects of this popular diet.


Keto is an excellent diet that can help you lose weight and feel great. It’s also a great way to make sure your body has the fuel it needs to perform at its best throughout the day. If you want to try this type of eating plan, then weigh yourself before starting and after 30 days on Keto. You’ll be able to see how much weight has been lost if any!

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