Social Media

Guide To Increasing Your Instagram Followers

Instagram has to offer a great platform to grow as a creator. You could post stuff that’s meaningful to others and in turn get followers. But is this simple? Not really, in order to gain followers you need a complete all-rounder approach in order to get them into investing into your content. Whenever you post something on Instagram you expect loads of likes and shares but all you get is a few likes and one odd comment from someone near. In order to up your game on Instagram and get more followers, you need to adopt certain practices that help elevate your figures. It requires constant efforts and creativity to suit everyone. Here are a few practices that are used by the digital marketing team of Insta Zoom to increase their followers. You can follow these too for increasing your followers.

  1. Optimize your bio:

The 150 characters that you get to utilize in your bio are meant to deliver a lot to your followers. Your Instagram bio should provide a clear description about you and your work for people who might be interested in your work to know. Reflect the touches of your personality in your bio. If you are endorsing to get more followers for a business or organization make sure you provide a link for people to easily reach out to you. The more personalized your bio is, more are the chances for you to gain followers.

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  1. Find your best time to post:

Finding the best time is a vague proposition, you can never have 100% of the audience online at once. But you definitely can get an idea as to when your maximum audience is online through Instagram insight. On your professional account click on the insight button on your profile and then choose the audience option. It opens up a graph displaying when your maximum followers are online. That is the perfect time to post as you would be able to reach more and people form them to invest and share.


  1. Be consistent and engage with your audience:

According to Instagram’s algorithms, accounts that post daily tend to gain more visibility and followers than others. Posting creative content daily keeps your audience amused while drawing more people to follow you. The plus to this is when you even engage with your audience. Engaging with your audience through comments, messages, and live sessions helps you solve their issues while helping them connect to you. This is the sole way to convert any viewer into your follower by interacting.


  1. Learn how the algorithms work:

It is vital to confer the metrics of Instagram in order to get a clear idea of how it’s algorithms actually work. What would be displayed in someone’s timeline depends on 6 factors. Optimizing and aligning your content on the basis of these 6 factors is what is going to help you gain followers as your content would stand more chances of being displayed to maximum users. These 6 factors are interest, consistency, relationship with the content, frequency, following and usage.


  1. Research and use hashtags:

Have you seen all the influencers use dozen’s of hashtags on their posts? What do you think they are about? These hashtags help relay reliability to users on the basis of maximum searched post or topic. If your post has these maximum searches and potential hash tags even your content would be displayed in the feed along with others. Conduct research as to which hashtags are working the best these days and include those into each post to gain more followers and views. Read More About:

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