
5 Simple Steps To Write A Narrative Essay Topics


Writing a narrative essay is simple, but it’s also one of the most difficult forms of writing. A narrative essay tells an interesting story or includes examples that demonstrate a particular point. It doesn’t have to be long or complicated–it just has to be well-written and compelling. If you’re new to writing narratives, this guide will help you get started!

Step 1: Start With A Topic

The first step in writing a narrative essay is to choose a topic that interests you and that is relevant to your life. You should also make sure the topic is broad enough so that it can be covered in depth, but not too broad or narrow so as to limit your options.

Step 2: Research

Research is the second step of your narrative essay topics. By research, we mean that you will find out what topics are available and how they can be used in your writing. You can look online and in libraries for information about the topic or sub-topics that interest you. For example, if I wanted to write about “schools” as a topic, I would go online and see what types of schools there are (public vs private), how many students attend each school per year, etc.

Once you’ve identified what kind of information you need for your paper (like this one), then it’s time to start collecting quotes from sources who have written on these topics before! These quotes will help illustrate why certain things exist within society today—why does our education system need fixing? Why do some people believe vaccinations cause autism? How has technology changed our lives over time?

Step 3: Develop Sub-Titles

Now that you have a topic and an idea for how to present it, it’s time to start working on this piece of writing. As we mentioned earlier, there are a few different ways of structuring narratives—but one of the most common ones is called “progressive disclosure.” In other words, each paragraph builds upon the previous one until your readers get all their information in one big swoop.

So now that we know what kind of structure works best for our narrative essays (and why), let’s look at how we can make sure our sub-titles stay relevant and interesting enough for readers so they’ll want to keep reading! check out our other blogs on this topic!

Step 4: Outline Your Essay

The fourth step is to outline your essay. This will help you organize the ideas and flow of your narrative. You can use sub-headings, headings, and bullet points to create an outline for your essay.

Use a graphic organizer (such as Mind Map) or mind map software program like Mindjet Notes or Evernote Notebook to help plan out what you’re going to write about in detail before diving into writing it down on paper.

Step 5: Write the Essay

The final step is to write the essay. You’ll want to start by writing an introduction, which should include a brief explanation of why you chose this particular topic and what you hope to accomplish with your essay. Next comes the body of the piece: your main point(s), supporting arguments and evidence, as well as any additional notes or comments on historical events or figures involved in your narrative. Finally, wrap things up with a conclusion that sums up everything you’ve said so far and ties everything together into one cohesive piece—an allusion or analogy might be helpful here if appropriate!

Once all that’s done (and edited), it’s time for proofreading! Make sure there are no typos; run spell-checker over every sentence; double-check grammar rules like punctuation placement/usage/numbering etc.; check for awkward phrasing; make sure everything fits together logically without being too wordy or complicatedly constructed…and then go back through again…

Writing a narrative essay is simple if you follow these steps.

Writing a narrative essay is simple if you follow these steps.

  • Write Your Topic Statement and Abstract

The first step is to write your topic statement and abstract, which will be the backbone of your paper. The abstract should include some information about what type of narrative essay you’re writing, along with an explanation of why it’s important (or not). It can also serve as a brief summary for readers who might not have time to read through an entire paper before judging its quality or usefulness in their coursework requirements.

  • Choose Your Topics Based On Your Personal Interests And Previous Research Experience As Well As General Interests In Your Area Of Study Or Professionally-Taught Course Work


We hope this blog has helped you understand the basics of narrative writing, and how to structure your own narrative essay. If you want to learn more about the craft of writing in general.


Jason is a passionate content creator and the driving force behind With a keen eye for trends and a love for connecting with readers, Jason delivers fresh, engaging content to inspire and inform the community.

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